Things Businesses Need To Consider In A Changing World

Things Businesses Need To Consider In A Changing World.jpg

In speaking with clients, there are some who feel somewhat guilty that in difficult times, they’re well-prepared to thrive in their businesses.

If you’re not feeling this – and instead you’re feeling anxious, or confused – that’s okay. What you’re feeling is totally valid and appropriate for the time. But today I do want to focus on these other people – because they’re curious exceptions to the general sentiment. And I think that we can learn a lot from them.

What these people share is overarching business strategies that are adaptable and well-suited to changing times. They read their markets well, and serve their clients well. And they offer solutions that are relevant to the problems being faced by their clients. (And that’s just for starters.)

A few weeks ago, I wrote about Metacognition ( (Taking the time to reflect and learn from what is going on around you, in your business and your marketing.)

I think metacognition is perhaps the most effective path to doing better in the current business/marketing/economic climate.

There are some questions I’ve been asking myself – and my clients – lately. They’re conversation starters. Questions to spark ideas. And I think they highlight the key areas of distinction between doing poorly, doing okay, and doing well right now.

I’ve made these questions available here (

You can download them, share them, and use them with your teams.

I hope that if you’re feeling stress right now, that they help reduce this stress, anxiety, confusion and fear – and help you move forward with confidence and clarity.


A Message To The Anxious


A Roadmap for COVID-19 Decisions