Things To Think About Near Water

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Do you do your best thinking around water?

 I do.

Many of my best marketing strategies were sketched up in the steam on my shower screen mid-shampoo.

The thing I like most about the Christmas / New Year / summer break period in Australia is it creates the time and space to think, to enjoy being around water, and to plan for the year ahead.

Growing up, my parents would share a bottle of red wine and sketch plans and resolutions on the backs of envelopes on the banks of Lake Eildon.

Some more diligent friends of mine set SMART goals at their beach house – and break those goals into 90, 30, and 7-day action plans.

Other people I know just take quiet moments to stare into the distance and dream of what might be possible in 2020.

However you do it, if your thinking involves marketing (getting more customers, making more sales, or growing your business) – I want to pack these three questions to take with you:

  1. Q: What do I want from my business – for ME? Set aside targets, and definitions of growth, and key projects or products – and think about how your business is going to serve YOU better in 2020. We only live this life once. Live it beyond your business.

  2. Q: What can I do that makes things work better, not just get bigger? We talk a lot about scale as a path to profits, but not often about impact or effectiveness. Twice as great is often easier to achieve (and just as profitable) as twice as big. Do both.

  3. Q: When I think of my clients – what are they putting in their new years resolutions?Be the person who makes your clients most deeply valued desires happen.

We’re at the start of a new year, and a new decade — make it a GREAT ONE!

Whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways we can work together:

1. Work With Me One-on-One

If you’d like to work together on marketing for your business – hit reply and let me know more about what you’re up to, what you’d like to achieve, and I’ll get back to you with the details.

2. Jump On A Call

Having a specific marketing problem? Or just frustrated with your results not being up-to-scratch? Hit reply and we can schedule a time to jump on a call together.

3. Introduce Me to Smart People

If you know someone who is working on improving their marketing right now, I would love to meet them, and share a copy of my first book, Unassailable with them (which is all about the tiny tweaks that make a big difference to your marketing results). Email us both with an introduction.

4. Got a Trade Show or Expo Coming Up?

If you’re organising a trade show booth soon, and you don’t have my latest book (Beyond The Booth) yet, let me know so you don’t go to your trade show “naked”.


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